Friday 5 June 2009

Skinny Blonde Campaign Uses Online to Bring Daisy to Life

Do you remember those crazy pens you used to get with the scantily clad women standing there in a bikini, and when you click the pen their clothes disappear... no?... erm, me neither. However luckily for all those Australian beer drinkers out there, Aussie beer brand Skinny Blonde, which was launched earlier in the year, does.

As part of a new campaign for the brand a website has been created which mirrors the unique feature of the beer's label, in that the 1950s-style pin-up called Daisy's top disappears as the bottle warms up.

Upon entering the site you are greeted by six 'Skinny Blondes' of which you must select one, then with a handy thermometer, you turn up the heat until your chosen girl is so hot that she, like the label feels compelled to revel herself.

Video - Skinny Blonde Staring Game

There is also a rather interesting staring game on the site which is a lot harder than it first looks. Don't believe me? Try it yourself!


vansnick said...

Hi Alex,

nice your blog.
My video has been deleted by youtube. I've put it on another hosting video website.
The video is again avalaible here :