Wednesday 17 June 2009

Ultimo Bra Testing at Alton Towers

This is a great idea in theory, a large group of women testing out bras on some of the UK’s top rollercosters at Alton Towers. However for a viral you would think that there would be some subtle mention of the brands, a url, or even a video titles that suggests where it came from. As the title of the post suggests this happens to be for Ultimo, although I only discovered this from the YouTube discription. Maybe I’m being too harsh, let me know what you think. Great video all the same.

Video - Ultimo: Bra Testing at Alton Towers


Anonymous said...

The viral is for Alton Towers not Ultimo. Ultimo are used as the excuse for 'testing'. As such it works great. Alton Towers is mentioned in the clip twice. Great piece of filming too - especially the on-board shots.

Alex Smith said...

Hmm... interesting, thanks for the correction. I must have been distracted by the something when writing this!
