Thursday, 5 February 2009

Zodiac Race - Onitsuka Tiger campaign

This is the latest campaign by Japanese brand Onitsuka Tiger, to celebrate their 60th birthday. 'The Legend of the Zodiac Race' is the main premise behind the 60th birthday celebrations, which takes the form of the Legend of the Jade Emperor of ancient Japan holding a race to decide the order of the Zodiac calendar, 13 animals competing for 12 places.

The race takes place on a funky Onitsuka Tiger trainer shaped island with many different obstacles for the competing animals to overcome. The island of which can be explored in full on the website, along with a host of other interesting features. These include the history and making of the 'The Legend of the Zodiac Race' (shown below), a Zodiac calculator, a very cool '60 years in 60 seconds' movie, and much more.

This is a very funky website, which echoes everything users would expect from the brand, it is a smooth site with a fantastic array of colours, with the content ensuring users will be on there for a while... well I definitely was!
